
Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Each year, Cal Arts University holds a World Music & Dance Festival, where they celebrate the music and traditions of various cultures all around the world. This past weekend, they kicked off their concert series with the West African Music and Dance inspired by Ghana.

My dates for the evening, ASHA & DJ
From the moment the show started, I was hooked. I don't know if it was the dancers, the band, the costumes or the crowd itself, but the energy of the festival was so magnetic, it was hard not to get up from my seat and join in on the dancing. Though I, myself, didn't get up to dance, I did dance in my seat throughout the show LOL.

Opening number, "Kete"

The show opened with Kete, which is a traditional/social dance performed by the Anlo-Ewes of the Volta Region of Ghana. This particular dance is more fast paced than other Ghanian dances and is done recreationally.

Dancers performing "Sikyi"
One of my favorite dance numbers had to be Sikyi. This dance, which became popular around Ghana's Independence in 1957, is a flirtatious "cat and mouse" dance of courtship where young men express interest in a young woman and their desire to marry. The chemistry between the male and female dancers really brought this charming dance to life.

Xylophonist SK Kakraba

During intermission, we were treated to the musical styling of xylophonist SK Kakraba. Initially, I wasn't sure what to expect; I mean it's a xylophone for pete's sake, how much range can it have? But I must say I was pleasantly surprised and taken aback by the talent of SK and how much passion he brought to his work.

A quick pic right before the show started
I'm so glad I got the opportunity to attend the festival and can't wait for what CalArts will have in store for next year!


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